Apple's products are designed to last, and their high resale value makes them a smart investment. We take into account the future value to offer attractive financing options.
If you want to avoid tying up capital and straining your liquidity, it may be better to finance equipment and solutions externally instead of using your own funds.
From experience, we know that the products have a value on the second-hand market. We are willing to include that value in the price from the beginning. In other words, you get a lower cost for the product, and you don't have to take any risks for the future value.
Our goal is both simple and ambitious. By offering our customers buyback options, we collectively extend the lifespan of your IT equipment while reducing global carbon dioxide emissions. Buybacks are both secure and quick.
We can help you make the best decisions for your organization, whether you want to implement a new strategy or quickly adopt the latest Apple technology
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